Friday, February 29, 2008

1st Trip to the Dentist

Here is a picture from Keagan's first visit to the dentist today. He was amazing! One of the coolest things about Keagan is how completely fearless he is and how much he loves new experiences. He definitely didn't get that from his mother! :-) They let him use the suction to suck water out of a cup and he must have done it 10 times.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Disney on a budget

I have been jealous lately reading about the LP family heading to Disney this year. :-) Since it will probably be many years before we head out on vacation again, I am posting a low budget alternative to Disney (think the Teacup ride)

Lazy Days of Winter

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Maddy & Mommy

Here is a nice picture of Maddy and I taken by amateur photographer Keagan.

Going to visit Daddy at work

Today we went to visit Daddy at work. Keagan has been so excited to do this. Keagan wanted to wear a button up shirt just like Dad. He wanted gel in his hair too, but we didn't get around to it. We packed a lunch and went and ate with Dad in the cafeteria and then we checked out where Dad works. Keagan had a wonderful time! When we were on the way there he asked me if I was going to stay too and when I said yes, he said "I am going to be there for a long time because I need to make money while we eat lunch."

Monday, February 18, 2008

Party Pictures

Here are some pictures from the party. Keagan's favorite present by far was the rollerblades from Grandpa F. He was jumping around and shaking and screaming when he got them. He looked like he was doing a touchdown dance! He also got a new balance bike from mom, dad, Grandpa P and Grandma S. He has been riding it all over the house.

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Keagan is 3 Years Old Today!!!

The kids are just heading off to bed. What a wonderful birthday party! Keagan had a blast! I will have pictures from the party later but here is a picture of him in the John Deere crown we made yesterday for the party. He chose a John Deere theme for his party. What can I say, the kid loves his tractors! :-)

Friday, February 15, 2008

A few more pictures and updates...

Here are my attempts at some good pictures this morning. Not such a success. Here are some Maddy updates. She is 9 months old now. She weighed 16 lbs and 5 oz. She is still a chubby little peanut. She is saying MaMa, DaDa, and BaBa (which means Baby). She still sleeps all night in our bed and nurses every hour (no exageration). We have plans to stop this, but the plague we all have has bought her some time. She is trying to start walking. She is pretty unsteady though and takes three running steps and lunges towards you or falls on her face. But I think wanting to keep up with Keagan is making her try.

Keagan's Acting Debut

Keagan recently appeared in a production of The Bear Snores On by Karma Wilson adapted by the Sunflower Kids. He played the role of dog. The critics are still out on his future in Hollywood, but the parents certainly enjoyed it.

Ok..Ok.. I am a little behind

I completely missed Christmas. But we have been busy in 2008 so far. Keagan started preschool 2 days a week. He also started speech therapy once a week. We have had a lot of friend's birthday parties, and most recently we have been sick for almost two weeks. Keagan is turning 3 in a few days!! I cannot believe my little boy has grown up so fast. Here are a few pictures to remind you of what they look like :-)

The first picture is Keagan mailing his binkys to the Babies Who Need Binkys Foundation. That was a pretty traumatic event for the entire family and our sleep routine has yet to return to normal. It was definitely a sad time for all of us. Keagan also completely potty trained himself one day back in December. As happy as I am to see the diapers and binkys done, I am sad that he is growing up so fast. The last picture is Keagan playing with Grandma and his friends (our neighbors) in the new basement playroom.